Quality department
The company's Quality Department has a unique laboratory that is designed to measure all kinds of shapes and dimensions, as well as to test the mechanical properties of products and their chemical composition. It is characterised by continuous operation.
GEVORKYAN, s.r.o. is certified according to the requirements of IATF 16949, ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 14001:2016 and ISO 45001:2018.
IATF 16949 certificate, valid until 2023-09-28.
ISO 9001:2015 certificate, valid until 2023-09-28.
EN ISO 14001:2016 certificate , valid until 2022-06-12
ISO 45001:2018 certificate, valid until 2023-11-09.
The company is also ISO 13 485 certified as a medical device manufacturer.
Certificate 13485:2016, valid until 2023-10-18.
The "Fachmetall QM Context Award" for 2012 was awarded to the company during the trade fair specialized in powder metallurgy in Basel, Switzerland, where it was the winner in the "Quality" category by the international auditing firm Fachmetal. GEVORKYAN, s.r.o. was the only company from the EU and the first company in the history of powder metallurgy to receive this award.